7Sahasrara (thousand-fold) Crown Purple/White/Silver/Gold Energy Vortex
6Ajna (to perceive) Third Eye Indigo Energy Vortex
5Vissudha (purification) Throat Blue Energy Vortex
4Anahatra (unstruck) Heart Green Energy Vortex
3Manipura ( lustrous gem ) Solar Plexus Yellow Energy Vortex
2Svadhisthana (sweetness) Sacral Orange Energy Vortex
1Muladhara Root Base Red Energy Vortex
Meditation 411
Opening prayer- I ask the Great White Light I Am That I Am to surround and protect me so That I may recieve the highest and the best. The Great White Light I Am That I Am does surround and protect me and I do recieve the highest and the best.
Setting intention is one of the most important things. Our Words and thoughts have the power to shape our reality - The Power Of Intention
Setting sacred space - your personal recognition of the habitual self connected to the serpent. This meaning your reptilian brain recognizes your special place and time b4 you do. It will allow you to access different realms of consciousness easier through daily repetition. Also allows for protection from unwanted energy life forms while in meditation or Astral projection.This is due to a strong positive energetic imprint left over time.
Set a Time you will keep, Pick a place, a special matt or chair, special candles, and any spiritual book sacred to you. Set it up to you, it is your sacred flying carpet. Last, an opening prayer bringing in the divine energy of the Cosmic Source for your well being and body mind spirit evolution. When closing your session always set a prayer of Intent that you have received the highest and the best from this experience and the next to come.
Grounding Cord is created through creative visualization of a Silver energetic Cord unwinding from the Base Chakra plugging into the center of the earth. ( important for out of body travel )
To Strengthen the Silver Cord for purpose of Astral Travel: inhale Divine Source energy (Qi) down into the coiled energy cord located at the base root Chakra which spirals down ward connecting us to the elecromagnetic field of the earth . Breath in Through the Nose. Visualize silver/white/Gold particles of light called Qi drawing down inward as you hold the breath. Then pushing out through the mouth unwanted energy into the earth to be transmuted as you invision your cord being strengthen. Continue this process for at least 7 breaths.
Centering of the three lower vortex and three higher vortex occur at the Heart Chakra. Meaning that if your emotional ( Energy in motion ) center is off so is the stability of your physical and spiritual body. The Heart is the bridge between the Higher Self /Spiritual body & the Lower self /Physical body
Centering Meditation
Att: Centering should be done inconjuction with grounding
Grounding is being centerd on earth easily done with jumping up and down a few times or tapping your head. Centering is being centerd in your sellf .. be grounded so that you can center your self and focus your will..
Basic guided meditation :
How to meditate 1 of 5
How to meditate 2 of 5
How to meditate 3 of 5
How to meditate 4 of 5
How to meditate 5 of 5
Methods of Meditation
9 Point Breathing
Powerful Chakra Meditation
Kundalini Awakening Process
Guided Kundalini Meditation
Third Eye Pineal Gland Awakening
Your Aura is Mind over Matter
this is the energy that envelopes your body like a shield if not weak. The aura is an extension as well as combination of the 7 main vortices or Chakras. It can act as a protective shield allowing unwanted energy to move on by, or transmute it into usable energy. It is also the antenna of the third eye which we can use to scan the thoughts of others as well as possibilities of upcoming events depending on your state of mind and willingness at the time of scan. spiritual intuition. Not to be confused with the nonphysical animal intuition which comes from the solar plexus that begins at the root chakra. To Strengthen the Aura use similar exercise for Strengthening Cord. On the inhale drawing in the full spectrum of Rainbow light into the Solar Plexus holding and distributing on the exhale until the light grows from a seed at the center of your being and envelopes your entire body and extends about 12 feet out and around you. You may add the silver seal of approval when finished this will protect you from unwanted energies. Creating and strengthening the Rainbow body for astral travel involves working on and strengthening of all 7 zones.
Tibetan OM Chant
Most important tone when attempting to open the Third eye. This tone signifies the One Mind or Godhead. Take 3 deep breaths. Ground and Center yourself. Close your eyes gently allow your eyes to roll upper ward, like when sleeping. Inhale ( through the chakra points ) drawing forward through the mind’s eye indigo energy as well as white light. Exhale out the mouth with OM chant, unblocking and distributing divine energy through the body removing obstructions. This will eventually allow the connection between the crown, third eye, and throat for astral projection as well as the ability to store extra power/qi in the solar plexus for later use. This storage of energy allows you to strengthen your spiritual bodies for astral travel. Without a strong energy body moving in the astral plain by flight is virtually impossible. Maybe a tired hovering is possible. Making it impossible to train in the Inner Time Chamber. (Unless chosen by an Ascended Masters )
Seven Hermetic Principles to Manifestion (Correlates to the 7 Vortices of the Spiritual body) AS ABOVE SO BELOW.... Time Chamber within and without...
Chakra Tones For Cutting Blockages
Chakra Diagram For Reiki Holistic Healing