The Rapture is in the now...
Raise the Immortal body of light...
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Mulidimentional Merkabah
Merkabah Rotation
Astral travel and physical training... It is important to realize that no matter how much we meditate without action it is useless. Likewise no matter how much action you take, without meditation, is useless. Without conscious intent we create things from our ego. This will lead to wrong action through lack of self control of the energetic impulses of the body, which expel vital chakra energy. Lack of vital Prana energies begin to break down and weaken the spiritual body. Also having to Much energy like anger, rage, anxiety will break down the Physical Body. It is important to focus our energy in positive ways like exercise for the physical and meditation for the spiritual. Art is also a positive way to channel unwanted energy.
BodymindSpirit is one thing not three. If one is weak the other will follow. The Mind is the link between the body and the spirit. If the Mind is weak so to is the spirit for it is the Creator of the energies of motion which give life to the body. If the Spirit is weak, then what energy is left for the body?
The mind= awareness= conscious thought is the link between the body and spirit. The physical body is a projection of the spirit. So there is no need to fear being inhabited by unwanted entities or disconnecting completely from this life. Fear is for the weak minded and astral travel should then not be attempted till fear is over come. Only the weak minded can be manipulated by outside forces...
If ur spiritual body is weak this will make it hard to travel or move around in the etheric realms you will probobly do a light hover. This will tier your spirit and will cause you to return rapidly to ur body.. This is why regular practice of meditation and mind body spirit work outs are important to bring balance and propper flow to the energies of your body.
One can waste energy by having meaningless sex because there is no energetical exchange through the process we call love. Instead we deplete our own energy source without equivalent exchange..
anger also expells energy..Watching to much TV, anything you put ur attention into takes energy from you. Talking to much. Vibration is energy expelled, so becareful what and how much you speak.
Eating dence food like meats, wheat , and dairy will weigh the spiritual body down...
substances ie. drugs will also impair the astral body for better or worse.
DMT containg substanes such as shrooms, peyote, ayashuasca are natural divices that will help in vision quest, but I prefer working for it instead of taking short cuts bc u tend to get clearer more profound visions. Fish is also a good source of DMT . Other than that in practice one must be sober...
Depresants(marajuana gud for contimplation,alchol gud for speaking to the ego)
Stimulants(coke,coffee) will only affect the material Time Space zone..
Moderation is important in all things..
but before one enters into the practice of astral travel these things must come last and will help make the process easier... This also extends to dream practice...
-Anything after 5pm will impair your ability to Lucid Dream, Heavy foods exct.. If you are not getting the expierences you search for, you may need to Obstain for longer periods of time.. adjust as necessary..
-Fasting is also a device that will help cleanse the body of toxins and help harnest mental will power and focus.
Types of Fasting : (Organic if possible, If not ,set a prayer of intent over the food to change the molecular structure back to its harmonic state of being. Always show gratitude to what we consume as a part of the creator) 3day water only - 10day one serving size per day of veggies, fruits, & nuts - 7day liquid diet water, juice, soy Milk - 30day water fast not for novice, adjust as necessary with liquids or small vegean meals: 1 serving size per day as needed.
Astral Projection And How
Astral Projection Techniques
Tips to Make it Easier
O.B.E. Lesson 1
O.B.E. Lesson 2
O.B.E. Lesson 3
Lucid Dreaming
Shamanic guide of the astral realms
Celtic guide of other worlds
Shamanic Journey
Can the Silver Cord Break ?
Meditation for connecting with your Spirit Guide and Gaurdian Angles - when preforming any spiritual work dont forget to set a prayer of intent ( VERY IMORTANT ! )..ASk The Great white Light I Am That I Am to surround and protect you so That you may recieve the highest and the best..Then confirm.. The Great White Light I AM That I AM does surround and protect me and I DO RECIEVE the HIGHEST and the BEST ! I ASK my Holy Gaurdian Angle And Spirit Guides of the light and Truth to reveal them selves to me and to Guide and protect me on my Journey !
-When meeting a Spirit Guide or Gaurdian Angle, It is extremely important To Tell This Being if it is not for your Higher Good to depart Out of your auric field by the power of the Holy Light of Truth. Ask for a name-this gives u power over them to cast them out. Vibrations are names as well as Good or Bad feelings, So feel it out. MOsST Light Being are Telepathic by nature You will feel there Higher Vibration... Take nothing for granted and question everything....
-Another tip when trying to interact with other astral beings, always look in the eyes and ask for its true form and or if its intent is negative or positive. Its Mostly the stair down into the eyes which does the trick not so much really talking but more of a thought projection which acts as a sort of x-ray. If you dont like what you see. 1. I like to see my hands as fire and i reach out and grab and crush them as they melt and ooze away. 2 Open a portal to the ocean and throw it in....Ions in the salt water transmutates the energy into a more pure original state, but this only works for the less aware astral entities. like thought forms or astral bugs. a more aware being would/ should have enough will power to, lets say, "walk on water".
Sleep is the cousin of Death ...In all religous text or shamanic traditions dreams have been the way the Cosmic God presence speaks to us using symbolism.. we have been disconnected from the true self through manipulation of our psych by the powers that be. By the use of contaminets in our foods, water, media(false images), Insane politics, and man made religous dogma that hides the truth of scripture, humanities past and destiney ... Our subconscious is the disconnected Higher self. Without it we are half asleep even while awake.. If one can not Trancend Sleep or awaken in sleep.. How can one expect to awaken in death? We may be Trapped in the process of recycled unaware energy , Reincarnation.. To be awake hear and there is to never be asleep and to never be casted out into the fetter of foregetfulness.. The Masters left us books to read symbolisms and devices to help us remember who and wat we are before the great deception we brought unto ourselves by giving our responsibility/immortality away... Remember there is nothing More powerful or greater than the Rejuvinated Soul of Enlightend Insight ! SAT-NAM ! SMILE THE INNER SMILE !
10 Symptoms of Awakening